Claims Assistance
Please utilize the below documents to learn more about your Claim.
Insured Flood Handbook covering basic information regarding a flood loss and the steps that follow from filing a claim.
Flood dwelling policy outlining the coverages, provisions and exceptions of a residential dwelling.
Speak with your adjuster or a team member at Advanced to see if this may apply to your situation.
General Information about Deductibles, what is and is not covered by Flood Insurance, and how items are valued at the time of loss.
Additional Disaster Assistance offered by FEMA and How to apply.
Supplement Claim Assistance
Interested in submitting a Supplement? Utilize the below documents and resources to submit a Supplement Claim, we look forward to handling your Claim!
Flood claim questionnaire, please fill out and return to adjuster directly or fax to 866-345-8548
Please use this worksheet to identify any damaged contents and their pertinent information

Coming Home After a Flood |

Returning to Flooded Buildings |